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Entrepreneur, Software Developer, Freelancer, Serial Shipper


Svelte 5 Tutorial: Build Your First SaaS Application

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Svelte 5 has emerged as a game-changer in the world of web development, offering a streamlined approach to building interactive user interfaces. This Svelte 5 tutorial aims to guide beginners through the process of creating a Software as a Service (SaaS) application from the ground up. By leveraging Svelte 5’s powerful features and intuitive syntax, developers can craft efficient and scalable web applications with ease.

This comprehensive guide will walk readers through the essential steps to build their first SaaS application using Svelte 5. It covers setting up the project environment, implementing core SaaS features, and deploying the finished application. By the end of this tutorial, developers will have gained hands-on experience with Svelte 5 and be well-equipped to create their own SaaS solutions using this cutting-edge framework.

Setting Up the Svelte 5 Project

Installing Dependencies

To begin developing with Svelte 5, developers need to set up their environment. The first step is to install Node.js, which provides access to npm, the package manager for JavaScript. After installation, it’s crucial to verify the versions of Node and npm in the terminal.

To create a new Svelte 5 project, developers can use the command npm create svelte@latest. This command scaffolds a new project and prompts for basic tooling setup, such as TypeScript. Once the project is created, developers can upgrade to Svelte 5 by running npm install —save-dev svelte@next.

Project Structure

A typical Svelte project follows a specific structure. The src directory contains the core of the project, including the routes folder for application pages and the lib folder for reusable components and utilities. The static folder houses static assets, while the tests directory is for test files.


The project configuration is managed through several files:

  • The svelte.config.js file contains Svelte and SvelteKit settings.
  • The tsconfig.json file (or jsconfig.json for JavaScript) configures TypeScript settings.
  • The vite.config.js file is used for Vite configuration, as a SvelteKit project is essentially a Vite project with the @sveltejs/kit/vite plugin.

To start the development server, developers can run npm run dev -- --open, which typically exposes the application at http://localhost:5173/.

Building the Core SaaS Features

User Authentication

To implement user authentication in Svelte 5, developers can leverage Supabase’s SSR SDK. The process starts by installing the @supabase/supabase-js package. Then, a Svelte store is created to manage the application state, including authentication status. An authentication service is established to handle authentication functions.

Key authentication functions include:

  • createClient: Uses Supabase’s createClient function to initialize a new authentication client.
  • signIn: Authenticates users and sets isAuthenticated to true.
  • signOut: Terminates a logged-in user’s session.

Subscription Management

Implementing subscription management involves creating a system to handle user subscriptions and payments. This feature is crucial for SaaS applications to monetize their services. Developers can integrate payment gateways and implement recurring billing cycles to manage subscriptions effectively.

Dashboard Creation

Creating an analytics dashboard in Svelte 5 allows users to visualize data effectively. The dashboard can include various chart types such as line charts, bar charts, and doughnut charts to display different metrics. To build the dashboard:

  1. Define color arrays for chart backgrounds.
  2. Create separate objects for each chart with title, type, and data.
  3. Utilize the Chart.js library to render charts.
  4. Import chart components and data objects into the main App.svelte file.

By implementing these core features, developers can create a robust SaaS application using Svelte 5, providing users with a secure, functional, and data-driven experience.

Deploying Your Svelte 5 SaaS Application

Choosing a Hosting Platform

When deploying a Svelte 5 SaaS application, developers have numerous hosting options:

  • Vercel stands out with its 99.99% guaranteed uptime and availability in 90 countries.
  • Netlify offers edge functions and reduced bandwidth usage.
  • CloudFlare Pages allows deployment through Git integration.
  • For managed infrastructure, Back4app Containers and Render are leading options.

Environment Setup

To set up the deployment environment:

  1. Create a new Svelte project using SvelteKit by running npm create svelte@latest in the terminal.
  2. After scaffolding the project, install the required packages by navigating to the project root and running npm install.
  3. To start the development server, use the command npm run dev, which typically serves the application at http://localhost:5173/.

Continuous Deployment

For continuous deployment, GitHub Pages can be an excellent option for Svelte applications:

  • GitHub Actions automates the build and deployment process using a workflow defined in a .github/workflows/deploy.yml file.
  • This workflow file defines the deployment pipeline, which can be triggered on every push to the main branch.
  • The workflow typically includes steps to build the Svelte application and deploy it to GitHub Pages.
  • After successful deployment, the application becomes accessible at a URL like https://your-username.github.io/your-repo-name/.

Here’s a basic example of a GitHub Actions workflow for deploying a Svelte app:

name: Deploy to GitHub Pages

    branches: [ main ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Setup Node
        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: '14'
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: npm ci
      - name: Build
        run: npm run build
      - name: Deploy
        uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@4.1.5
          branch: gh-pages
          folder: build

This workflow checks out the code, sets up Node.js, installs dependencies, builds the Svelte app, and then deploys the built files to the gh-pages branch, which GitHub Pages can serve.


1. What are some effective strategies to speed up the development of a SaaS application?

To accelerate the development of a SaaS application, consider the following strategies:

  • Validate your product idea early using prototypes and no-code platforms.
  • Instead of starting from scratch, utilize existing SaaS boilerplates.
  • Employ a front-end development framework to save both time and money.
  • Use Platform as a Service (PaaS) to hasten the deployment process.
  • Automate the application delivery process to enhance efficiency.

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